Enabling greater profit and efficiency

Integrated solutions for Energy and Utility providers

Providing secure, reliable and affordable services

Providing secure, reliable, and affordable services is becoming increasingly difficult for Australia’s power and utilities companies. According to Deloitte, these sectors are challenged by inflation, high fuel costs and supply chain difficulties - all of which are keeping prices elevated.

Electricity and utility providers are also highly sought-after targets for cyber criminals. According to a recent report by the Australian Signals Directorate, the energy sector is now one of the top 10 at risk of cyberattack, and the threat continues to rise.

Vocus delivers solutions that enable utilities to harvest, share and secure real-time analytical data to drive operational efficiency, smarter grids, and improve sustainability. This leads to safer, cleaner services, and real-time monitoring for safer disposal of wastage.

The Vocus difference

Safety and wellbeing

Hazard detection, health monitoring and enabling psychological wellbeing of the workforce.

Precise billing

Consolidating billing data, automate calculations, and pinpoint consumption and cost anomalies.

Regulatory compliance

Implementing robust reporting and auditing to demonstrate compliance such as ESG to regulatory bodies.

Predictive maintenance

Real time monitoring of equipment, environment and health of the entire worksite.

Integrate and enhance the capabilities of existing infrastructure

Contact a LEO satellite expert to learn more.

Contact your Vocus Account Manager, request a meeting with a Vocus - Starlink Specialist by entering your details below, or call us on 1300 88 99 88