Building a safe, resilient, innovative organisation

Vocus mining solutions

Prioritising people, safety, wellbeing and sustainability.

While safety is front of mind for mining organisations, they also need to take active steps to attract the next generation of workers — or risk a major talent shortage. Almost half of the mining sector’s employees are currently aged 45 years or older.

To meet growing compliance requirements, it’s also essential that mining organisations accurately measure, and proactively reduce their carbon emissions. Meeting these challenges relies heavily on having the right digital tools, and robust internet connectivity to support them.

Vocus Satellite – Starlink helps bring mining into the future, providing robust connectivity and services to facilitate crucial innovation, drive efficiency and support enhanced decision-making.

The Vocus difference

Improve worker safety

Monitor and track onsite safety through interconnected sensors and intelligent wearables.

Attract & retain talent

Providing high quality services through robust wireless connectivity to remote and regional sites

Enhance ESG performance

Track and measure ESG performance quickly demonstrating progress against compliance measures.

Effective twin-based monitoring

Enable real time analysis of site equipment, so faults can be detected before they escalate.

Vocus mining solutions

Contact a LEO satellite expert to learn more.

Contact your Vocus Account Manager, request a meeting with a Vocus - Starlink Specialist by entering your details below, or call us on 1300 88 99 88